Thursday, December 24, 2009
Odd Dreams and Things
Usually I dream vividly last night this was very true of my dream. I am not sure how to interprets said dreams, I'm not even sure if I want to. The first one should never come true, though I woke up this morning with a distinct feeling it already had, thus I shall be doing some research later about that. The second one if it comes true ever I'll be laughing wherever I am when it does. So if you are near me in 30 years or so (whenever Enterprise type ships become real so I probably will be dead), and I start to spontaneously laugh it is because somewhere out there a captain has a wimp for a son and one of the other kids on the ship forces him to get a tattoo to show his manliness and he gets 42 tattooed on his shoulder by some hot nerdy chick on the ship.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
It has been a while
I know I know I've been missing for a while here is the reason. I just got into a new relationship, the semester just ended so I want to hang out with my friends/family, and tis the season to be busy!
Short and sweet story:
I went with my bf to see Avatar in 3D, all I have to say is "Oh my GOD that was amazing!" Visually it was like being there (almost, just not being allowed to touch anything, trust me I would specially some of those plants). Pandora is a botanists wet dream. Pandora is an evolutionists wet dream (I still don't think some of those things would evolve like that in a low gravity planet, though it would have to be low gravity for the Hallelujah Mountains to work right). Basically saying my suspension of disbelief died a few times while watching Avatar. It is still curled up in a ball whimpering something about pony tails. /shrug
Next short and not so sweet:
I went with my best friend to see "The Road" I did not go into this movie unprepared. I read the book back before I knew it was going to be made into a movie. When I heard that they were making a movie I nearly started crying then and there because I would actually see what I had barely imagined (to protect my fragile mind). The night I went to see Avatar I saw The Road listed as a playing movie, I about leaped out of my skin (not sure if it was out of happiness or not) and asked my bf if he minded skipping Avatar, we obviously didn't so I went the next day with neinone instead. I gave him a warning, and told him most of the plot, and promised Ice Cream at the end of it.
They did such a good job keeping to the story line, nothing was added only a few of the worst scenes were taken away, and the ones that didn't really matter. Visually it was almost exactly what I had imagined, maybe a little bit cleaner. The trees seemed more abundant than I gave the book when I read it. A nice layer of ash covered everything. A few things to say, if you don't like the idea of cannibalism don't watch the movie (or read the book, especially don't read the book). If you think you can stomach that but not Viggo Mortenson emaciated and naked then don't watch it. It is depressing because it is a post apocalyptic world. Tissues are not necessary, unless you cry really easy (I do and didn't need the tissue, maybe because I was expected it but I don't think that is why).
Next week about Thursday or Wednesday night I will be back from traveling and I'll post again (maybe with a review on Sherlock Holmes).
Short and sweet story:
I went with my bf to see Avatar in 3D, all I have to say is "Oh my GOD that was amazing!" Visually it was like being there (almost, just not being allowed to touch anything, trust me I would specially some of those plants). Pandora is a botanists wet dream. Pandora is an evolutionists wet dream (I still don't think some of those things would evolve like that in a low gravity planet, though it would have to be low gravity for the Hallelujah Mountains to work right). Basically saying my suspension of disbelief died a few times while watching Avatar. It is still curled up in a ball whimpering something about pony tails. /shrug
Next short and not so sweet:
I went with my best friend to see "The Road" I did not go into this movie unprepared. I read the book back before I knew it was going to be made into a movie. When I heard that they were making a movie I nearly started crying then and there because I would actually see what I had barely imagined (to protect my fragile mind). The night I went to see Avatar I saw The Road listed as a playing movie, I about leaped out of my skin (not sure if it was out of happiness or not) and asked my bf if he minded skipping Avatar, we obviously didn't so I went the next day with neinone instead. I gave him a warning, and told him most of the plot, and promised Ice Cream at the end of it.
They did such a good job keeping to the story line, nothing was added only a few of the worst scenes were taken away, and the ones that didn't really matter. Visually it was almost exactly what I had imagined, maybe a little bit cleaner. The trees seemed more abundant than I gave the book when I read it. A nice layer of ash covered everything. A few things to say, if you don't like the idea of cannibalism don't watch the movie (or read the book, especially don't read the book). If you think you can stomach that but not Viggo Mortenson emaciated and naked then don't watch it. It is depressing because it is a post apocalyptic world. Tissues are not necessary, unless you cry really easy (I do and didn't need the tissue, maybe because I was expected it but I don't think that is why).
Next week about Thursday or Wednesday night I will be back from traveling and I'll post again (maybe with a review on Sherlock Holmes).
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Trick or Treating: A life long lesson
I know it is December, not the time to be thinking about Halloween, but I am. I'm not thinking about Halloween itself but what it teaches us. I realized the other day that trick or treating is actually a life lesson disguised behind tradition and a mask. When we are young we go around knocking on strangers doors asking them for candy. We bounce on the balls of our feet while our parents make sure there isn't a needle or anything in our candy, which always seemed like a random acts of violence that never made much sense. If you are going to hurt someone, don't you want to see them in pain? Not the point though. After we get the all clear and binge on that sugary goodness we get sick. Our stomachs get very angry with us and we spend the next day rather sad. We still going tick or treating the next year though, but maybe this year we don't eat as much candy. Each year we get better and better about it until we eat a few pieces and then forget about the rest of the candy for most of the year.
How is this a lesson? We learn moderation. We learn that sometimes being a glutton is probably a really bad idea. How does this translate into our adult lives making it a life long lesson? It doesn't translate perfectly, but we have learned our limits for sugar. Later in life we turn 21 and drink for the first time. Some people remember this lesson from candy and drink heavily one or two times learning our limit for alcohol and then we are good. Or we don't even try to find our limit, we just enjoy a light drink here and there and are happy with that.
Moderation in everything, including moderation. The Greeks were hedonists, but they knew when the time was right to be a hedonist. They enjoyed life. That's the whole point. Being upset all the time does not make a good life, you need to enjoy the little things (in the words of Tallahassee) because someday that's all you may have. Are those moments of shear abandonment of our inhibitions when we just enjoy what is going on around us in that very moment. "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That's why it's called the present"
So we enjoy those pieces of candy (or glasses of wine) because life isn't meant to be taken sitting down. Stand up and shout for joy! Play in the rain (even if you break out in hives *sweatdrop*) Because that moment may be your last of smiling. Life is a wheel and you never know when you'll be on the bottom.
How is this a lesson? We learn moderation. We learn that sometimes being a glutton is probably a really bad idea. How does this translate into our adult lives making it a life long lesson? It doesn't translate perfectly, but we have learned our limits for sugar. Later in life we turn 21 and drink for the first time. Some people remember this lesson from candy and drink heavily one or two times learning our limit for alcohol and then we are good. Or we don't even try to find our limit, we just enjoy a light drink here and there and are happy with that.
Moderation in everything, including moderation. The Greeks were hedonists, but they knew when the time was right to be a hedonist. They enjoyed life. That's the whole point. Being upset all the time does not make a good life, you need to enjoy the little things (in the words of Tallahassee) because someday that's all you may have. Are those moments of shear abandonment of our inhibitions when we just enjoy what is going on around us in that very moment. "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That's why it's called the present"
So we enjoy those pieces of candy (or glasses of wine) because life isn't meant to be taken sitting down. Stand up and shout for joy! Play in the rain (even if you break out in hives *sweatdrop*) Because that moment may be your last of smiling. Life is a wheel and you never know when you'll be on the bottom.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Nothing to talk about
I have nothing to talk about tonight for some reason so instead I decided to post this rather hilarious site for you entertainment! Enjoy!
It's how a 12 year-old AOL would talk with whatever you put in on the top box. Thank you Lucas Longley for your brilliance.
It's how a 12 year-old AOL would talk with whatever you put in on the top box. Thank you Lucas Longley for your brilliance.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
On essay writting and love
As an English major I write a lot of essays. I've never been one that likes to go too deep into a subject, I like just brushing it enough to get the reader thinking, but as I have gone farther and farther in my career as a student I have had to write increasingly complex essays. Today I'm working on one about Middlemarch by George Eliot, specifically about the choices made by two characters, Dorothea and Rosamond. As I work on it I get more and more into the Psyche of the two characters and the more they annoy me. This makes me realize why I don't like some of the characters of the books I've written. It isn't because they are bad people it is because they make stupid decisions based off of false assumptions. For the same reason I am increasingly disliking Dorothea and Rosamond. Both of them are rather dense at times with what they do. Both married stupidly, not even for love but for something they wanted out of the other person. Dorothea for bettering herself and to gain knowledge previously inaccessible to her. Rosamond marries for status. Both do not get what they anticipated from their marriages because neither of them actually looked at the marriage before them. Status does not equate with money, and acting as Milton's daughters to Milton to Casaubon is not a happy existence.
What does this lack of thinking when marriage for life is on the line mean? It means that even though they messed up with their marriages they have no hope of ever fixing it until their husband dies. Modern day saves people from that, but it looks to me as if just as many people are making bad choices with their marriages and now they don't have to wait for their partner to kick it. Do people just walk blindly into marriage? Why would you do that to yourself? You hurt yourself and the person you are with and if you have kids them too! Yes people can change as your marriage progress that is what is happening to my parents, but they've been married almost 39 years (since Dec 19, 1970). My father is certifiably insane (not kidding he has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder) but my mother stands by him steadfastly. She loves him still and refuses to leave him, despite my sister and I talking to her about it.
Where did that kind of love go? There doesn't seem to be any relationships these days that will end in the two walking hand in hand gray haired through the park in the fall with the leaves falling around them. Morality has changed over the years. We've lost the loyalty that people used to have for one another. There used to be a thing called honor, it has been deserted for apathy. The Beatles once said "all you need is love" that isn't true you also need loyalty and honor. Now we have lust and apathy.
Maybe I'm thinking like this because I recently broke up with someone I could see myself old and gray and laughing with in 50 or 60 years, we still will be though because we still love each other, we are still loyal to each other in our friendship. Just because we disagreed on children does not keep us from loving and caring for one another. Yet old friends, high school sweethearts leave each other with daggers in their eyes and poison on their lips unable to do that one of the most important thing God ever asks us to do, forgive. Not forget, but forgive.
Well back to my essay now, I've still got to get through what stupid mistakes Rosamond makes in her life. Here's to a life built around intelligent choices not desires.
What does this lack of thinking when marriage for life is on the line mean? It means that even though they messed up with their marriages they have no hope of ever fixing it until their husband dies. Modern day saves people from that, but it looks to me as if just as many people are making bad choices with their marriages and now they don't have to wait for their partner to kick it. Do people just walk blindly into marriage? Why would you do that to yourself? You hurt yourself and the person you are with and if you have kids them too! Yes people can change as your marriage progress that is what is happening to my parents, but they've been married almost 39 years (since Dec 19, 1970). My father is certifiably insane (not kidding he has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder) but my mother stands by him steadfastly. She loves him still and refuses to leave him, despite my sister and I talking to her about it.
Where did that kind of love go? There doesn't seem to be any relationships these days that will end in the two walking hand in hand gray haired through the park in the fall with the leaves falling around them. Morality has changed over the years. We've lost the loyalty that people used to have for one another. There used to be a thing called honor, it has been deserted for apathy. The Beatles once said "all you need is love" that isn't true you also need loyalty and honor. Now we have lust and apathy.
Maybe I'm thinking like this because I recently broke up with someone I could see myself old and gray and laughing with in 50 or 60 years, we still will be though because we still love each other, we are still loyal to each other in our friendship. Just because we disagreed on children does not keep us from loving and caring for one another. Yet old friends, high school sweethearts leave each other with daggers in their eyes and poison on their lips unable to do that one of the most important thing God ever asks us to do, forgive. Not forget, but forgive.
Well back to my essay now, I've still got to get through what stupid mistakes Rosamond makes in her life. Here's to a life built around intelligent choices not desires.
Friday, December 4, 2009
New Years Resolution
I know this is a month early but today I decided that I was going to break an addiction I've had for seven years. In 2007 for lint (I don't think that's the right one) I tried to break it. I failed miserably. This new year I'm going to quit using chapstick (Burt's Bees brand) and I'm going to do this intelligently. I'm going to start by switching to a different chapstick. One that is natural, I have a hemp one that I'll probably start with. Then I'll switch to a petroleum based chapstick. Each day I'll use it less and less until I finally stop using it.
I'll post regularly about how it is going because this is something that is big in my life. If you ever seen me in real life you would understand. My friends have seen me regularly apply chapstick for years. They sometimes say things about how bad it is. This Thanksgiving though I really had a wake up call.
My ex's roommate is more addicted than me. He wears his on a lanyard that his girlfriend has to convince him to take off when they have sex. I thought about how bad I am and realized I sleep with my chapstick too. Right in my pillow. I think this habit is unhealthy enough that here goes everything I've got. I'm going to do it. I'm going to quite using chapstick.
Wish me luck!
I'll post regularly about how it is going because this is something that is big in my life. If you ever seen me in real life you would understand. My friends have seen me regularly apply chapstick for years. They sometimes say things about how bad it is. This Thanksgiving though I really had a wake up call.
My ex's roommate is more addicted than me. He wears his on a lanyard that his girlfriend has to convince him to take off when they have sex. I thought about how bad I am and realized I sleep with my chapstick too. Right in my pillow. I think this habit is unhealthy enough that here goes everything I've got. I'm going to do it. I'm going to quite using chapstick.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
NaNo is officially over for me!
I have finished writing 50,000 words as of five minutes ago. Now sleep...and after finals and all that crazyness I will edit the book until I'm happy with it! Also I will type up the first book to the series that I've got going now. I had no intention for this to be a trilogy, and it is now go figure. At least I have a book idea for next years NaNo!
I have finished writing 50,000 words as of five minutes ago. Now sleep...and after finals and all that crazyness I will edit the book until I'm happy with it! Also I will type up the first book to the series that I've got going now. I had no intention for this to be a trilogy, and it is now go figure. At least I have a book idea for next years NaNo!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Things I've learned from riding the bus
1. Bring a sweater, no matter how hot it is
2.Don't write anything you don't want read over your shoulder
3.Don't trust a crack addict to click the button to cross the street
4.Bring music and look aloof, less likely to be bothered
5.Watch your head those shelves hurt when they say hi
6.Watch your step, you look ridiculous when you miss the step
7.Know the bus schedule
8.Keep a map of the routes
9.If there is a dad with his little boy don't think about "The Road" it'll only depress you
10.If you get car sick easy don't read
11.If you like people watching wear dark sunglasses, people don't like being stared at
12.Don't deal drugs on the bus (actually happened on my school bus once)
13.Don't fall asleep, unless you've got the end of the line stop
2.Don't write anything you don't want read over your shoulder
3.Don't trust a crack addict to click the button to cross the street
4.Bring music and look aloof, less likely to be bothered
5.Watch your head those shelves hurt when they say hi
6.Watch your step, you look ridiculous when you miss the step
7.Know the bus schedule
8.Keep a map of the routes
9.If there is a dad with his little boy don't think about "The Road" it'll only depress you
10.If you get car sick easy don't read
11.If you like people watching wear dark sunglasses, people don't like being stared at
12.Don't deal drugs on the bus (actually happened on my school bus once)
13.Don't fall asleep, unless you've got the end of the line stop
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Things that make me smile
See previous post for story as to why this came about.
1. The love of my life
2. People actually giving a damn
3. Babies sleeping
4. Bad puns
5. Stepping on crunchy leaves and the central California equivalent of a snowball fight (throwing handfuls of leaves at friends)
6. Hot chocolate on a cold day
7. A good book under a warm blanket (or under a fan if summer)
1. The love of my life
2. People actually giving a damn
3. Babies sleeping
4. Bad puns
5. Stepping on crunchy leaves and the central California equivalent of a snowball fight (throwing handfuls of leaves at friends)
6. Hot chocolate on a cold day
7. A good book under a warm blanket (or under a fan if summer)
Things That Annoy Me
Today I was in class and I started thinking of things that annoy me. I came up with seven things. On the back side of that paper I wrote down seven things that make me smile. Sadly it took me longer to come up with the things that make me smile. As this list grows I will probably add more here.
1. Stupid people (not the handicapped but people who lack common sense)
2. "Green" Friday AKA Black Friday (See #1) Some stores these days have taken to calling what is traditionally known as Black Friday "Green" Friday. Their excuse it sounds nicer, and it's the color of money. These people must not a) know the origins of black Friday or/and b) are #1 or/and c) have never worked retail. If you are "a" let me tell you the origins of "Black Friday". "The term "Black Friday" originated in Philadelphia in reference to the heavy traffic on that day More recently, merchants and the media have used it instead to refer to the beginning of the period in which retailers go from being in the red (i.e., posting a loss on the books) to being in the black (i.e., turning a profit).(Wikipedia:Black Friday)" So I cheated with that but I've known that sentence (minus the bit about the traffic) since I was 5 when I asked my mom what Black Friday meant.
3. The people who with EVERY single picture say "It's photoshoped" (see #1) I DON'T care if it is or not! It looks cool. The only time it matters is if the person says it's not. Then they might be telling the truth if they did it themselves, you never know. Not the point. Point is, I DON'T care if you think it's photoshoped or not, get over it and stop fighting over it with EVERY single picture PLEASE. Thank you.
4. Twilight and it's fans (see #1 and previous post about it)
5. Fox tails in my socks (first post not about stupid people hmmm sensing a trend)
6. Pointless long books...I am not even going to start.
7. Materialistic people (see #1)
1. Stupid people (not the handicapped but people who lack common sense)
2. "Green" Friday AKA Black Friday (See #1) Some stores these days have taken to calling what is traditionally known as Black Friday "Green" Friday. Their excuse it sounds nicer, and it's the color of money. These people must not a) know the origins of black Friday or/and b) are #1 or/and c) have never worked retail. If you are "a" let me tell you the origins of "Black Friday". "The term "Black Friday" originated in Philadelphia in reference to the heavy traffic on that day More recently, merchants and the media have used it instead to refer to the beginning of the period in which retailers go from being in the red (i.e., posting a loss on the books) to being in the black (i.e., turning a profit).(Wikipedia:Black Friday)" So I cheated with that but I've known that sentence (minus the bit about the traffic) since I was 5 when I asked my mom what Black Friday meant.
3. The people who with EVERY single picture say "It's photoshoped" (see #1) I DON'T care if it is or not! It looks cool. The only time it matters is if the person says it's not. Then they might be telling the truth if they did it themselves, you never know. Not the point. Point is, I DON'T care if you think it's photoshoped or not, get over it and stop fighting over it with EVERY single picture PLEASE. Thank you.
4. Twilight and it's fans (see #1 and previous post about it)
5. Fox tails in my socks (first post not about stupid people hmmm sensing a trend)
6. Pointless long books...I am not even going to start.
7. Materialistic people (see #1)
As I said last night there was to be a protest on campus today. I didn't go because it was gone by the time I got out of class and work. I did see a part of it though as they crossed campus while I was eating breakfast. Best part was this one guys sign "WTF?! Where's the funding" I laughed for a full minute about that sign.
It warms my heart to see that the students are actually taking a part in what changes their lives. They took a stand today and for that I applaud everyone involved in it. I hope it makes a difference. I hope the school realizes that yes we do want winter term. It actually serves a purpose for some students.
All in all it was really good. I signed a petition for bringing back winter term Tuesday. This is really awesome as well. There have been days when I look at my generation and those younger and some older than me and I want to weep because I fear the apathy that everyone has will soak into society so much that we will lose ourselves to it. My hope for this generation is something kick starts us all into action for once against something. That we stand for what we believe and we finally grow up and face the world.
So if you've got something to say to the government DO IT! Please I'm begging you, make your voice heard. If you don't no one else will. Vote, write, or call whatever it takes to let the government know that we will not stand idly by while they tank what is left of our future.
It warms my heart to see that the students are actually taking a part in what changes their lives. They took a stand today and for that I applaud everyone involved in it. I hope it makes a difference. I hope the school realizes that yes we do want winter term. It actually serves a purpose for some students.
All in all it was really good. I signed a petition for bringing back winter term Tuesday. This is really awesome as well. There have been days when I look at my generation and those younger and some older than me and I want to weep because I fear the apathy that everyone has will soak into society so much that we will lose ourselves to it. My hope for this generation is something kick starts us all into action for once against something. That we stand for what we believe and we finally grow up and face the world.
So if you've got something to say to the government DO IT! Please I'm begging you, make your voice heard. If you don't no one else will. Vote, write, or call whatever it takes to let the government know that we will not stand idly by while they tank what is left of our future.
Tomorrow there is going to be a sit in at my school. I plan on catching the last hour of it, if it's still happening. If anything cool/epic happens I shall be blogging about it. So keep an eye out tomorrow night for a blog about cops and protesters. :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Not over
Everyday I think to myself, "what next?" I am constantly asking myself what am I to do next, sometimes the question is not really voiced because I know before I even ask. Like when class is or what not, or work starts. But "what next" when I ask that every night before I fall asleep I think, now I'll go to sleep and if God doesn't take me before I wake (like the old prayer I prefer the old one over the new version) I'll get up and follow my schedule like last week.
In the morning when I wake when I ask "what next" the answer is way more simple, take my shower, get dressed go to school (I work at school) and do whatever is required of me that day there be it class or work or both.
It's the times when I am sitting in the dark in my room thinking, writing, reading or just wondering in my thoughts (the ones that aren't really thinking) and the question "what next" comes up that I panic the most.
What is next? Grad bit of bills and so on and so on and so on. It's never over, until there is a short paragraph about me in the newspaper. What does that little paragraph matter? Is that all we really leave? I don't actually want kids so no genetic imprint from me in the future unless for some freak reason I don't marry the love of my life and end up in some dead end relationship with a guy that I don't want to be with and just have kids to keep me sane and to give me an excuse on Friday nights to stay at home? I don't want that. I want to mean something, but I don't want it to be me that means something. I want something I say to stick and spread like wildfire. I don't want to be the "i like turtles" kid. I want there to be depth in what I say. I want some poor college student 50 years from now groan when the teacher says they'll be reading a book from Leslie Diamond that semester. I want the kid next to that kid hop up and shout "yes". Problem is I am no where good enough to write a story that causes someone to cry with joy and all the while tear apart my story down to the color of the car.
So what is next? I write my NaNoWriMo and disappear into obscurity? It isn't a story for schools. In fact since it has magic it'll be banned from some schools. That's something that makes me smile. It'll be controversial. No one will be watching their mail boxes for a letter on their 11th birthday because of my book. Maybe someone will go to my favorite restaurant (the characters in my book visit it a few times...actually a lot of plot is developed there just like my real life). It'd be nice if people went there, so far those who read my blog don't live close enough except for one person and I know he goes so I'm not going to bother putting the name of the restaurant here.
So what's next? I get published...maybe...probably not. I know the story isn't that good. I can try. I did once before. It's nigh impossible for a new writer to break into the scene though, so should I even try? Why do I keep writing if I don't try or plan on trying? I don't know I just do.
So what's next? I keep writing. I keep going about my boring routine and while I do I'll leave a few marks behind and someone in the future long after I'm gone will know the name Leslie Diamond (and maybe even my real name) and they'll say, "She was brilliant. I wonder what her inspiration was?" That person doesn't know but they are.
So here is to you future, it's not over yet! I'll see you soon and when we meet I'll have some ideas for you. Hope you're ready for me, because I'm ready for you.
In the morning when I wake when I ask "what next" the answer is way more simple, take my shower, get dressed go to school (I work at school) and do whatever is required of me that day there be it class or work or both.
It's the times when I am sitting in the dark in my room thinking, writing, reading or just wondering in my thoughts (the ones that aren't really thinking) and the question "what next" comes up that I panic the most.
What is next? Grad bit of bills and so on and so on and so on. It's never over, until there is a short paragraph about me in the newspaper. What does that little paragraph matter? Is that all we really leave? I don't actually want kids so no genetic imprint from me in the future unless for some freak reason I don't marry the love of my life and end up in some dead end relationship with a guy that I don't want to be with and just have kids to keep me sane and to give me an excuse on Friday nights to stay at home? I don't want that. I want to mean something, but I don't want it to be me that means something. I want something I say to stick and spread like wildfire. I don't want to be the "i like turtles" kid. I want there to be depth in what I say. I want some poor college student 50 years from now groan when the teacher says they'll be reading a book from Leslie Diamond that semester. I want the kid next to that kid hop up and shout "yes". Problem is I am no where good enough to write a story that causes someone to cry with joy and all the while tear apart my story down to the color of the car.
So what is next? I write my NaNoWriMo and disappear into obscurity? It isn't a story for schools. In fact since it has magic it'll be banned from some schools. That's something that makes me smile. It'll be controversial. No one will be watching their mail boxes for a letter on their 11th birthday because of my book. Maybe someone will go to my favorite restaurant (the characters in my book visit it a few times...actually a lot of plot is developed there just like my real life). It'd be nice if people went there, so far those who read my blog don't live close enough except for one person and I know he goes so I'm not going to bother putting the name of the restaurant here.
So what's next? I get published...maybe...probably not. I know the story isn't that good. I can try. I did once before. It's nigh impossible for a new writer to break into the scene though, so should I even try? Why do I keep writing if I don't try or plan on trying? I don't know I just do.
So what's next? I keep writing. I keep going about my boring routine and while I do I'll leave a few marks behind and someone in the future long after I'm gone will know the name Leslie Diamond (and maybe even my real name) and they'll say, "She was brilliant. I wonder what her inspiration was?" That person doesn't know but they are.
So here is to you future, it's not over yet! I'll see you soon and when we meet I'll have some ideas for you. Hope you're ready for me, because I'm ready for you.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thank you Halloween.
Edit: Link to photo
Saturday, November 14, 2009
In agrement,99.htm
This is almost exactly what I'm feeling right now.
This is almost exactly what I'm feeling right now.
Without a doubt
Without a doubt I have nothing to say.
I wish I did have something to say.
I wish that I could just get in a car and drive off into the sunset for a bit and find something to do, but I can't. Responsibilities keep me here and now. With a ridiculous amount of pages to read for a class and over 1000 words to type for NaNo tonight I can't. That all doesn't matter though because I'm doubting everything right now. When I say everything I mean almost everything. I wonder how much certain things are worth it right now. I wonder if I'm really happy. I wonder if I'm going in the right direction in life. Just because I've had it planned out perfectly for years doesn't mean it is what is actually good for me. Suddenly something feels very very wrong and I can't explain it.
Tonight I'm going to go out and eat, enjoy myself a bit and try just try to figure out what is wrong.
I wish I did have something to say.
I wish that I could just get in a car and drive off into the sunset for a bit and find something to do, but I can't. Responsibilities keep me here and now. With a ridiculous amount of pages to read for a class and over 1000 words to type for NaNo tonight I can't. That all doesn't matter though because I'm doubting everything right now. When I say everything I mean almost everything. I wonder how much certain things are worth it right now. I wonder if I'm really happy. I wonder if I'm going in the right direction in life. Just because I've had it planned out perfectly for years doesn't mean it is what is actually good for me. Suddenly something feels very very wrong and I can't explain it.
Tonight I'm going to go out and eat, enjoy myself a bit and try just try to figure out what is wrong.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The joy of wrting
Well almost one whole week into National Novel Writing Month and I'm still really excited about it. Last year I did an exceptionally poor job at it and didn't even finish. This year I will finish! NaNo has taught me a lot of things. Like don't write in first person (it never works out the right way) and descriptions of people and what they are wearing feels really awkward to write ignore the feeling and write it anyway, especially for the main character. Sleep is of course for December as is editing. Also outlines are a beautiful thing! I did my first outline ever for a story for this book and I feel it has helped me so much! Hints for making an Outline. Write down questions and answer them. have a goal for what you want to have happened in each chapter (not how I do it but works for Neinone). Make a simple outline with major plot points (as close to in order as possible rearrange will happen), then make a more complicated outline with minor details and even some dialog roughly written down.
The first question you must ask yourself when writing (after having figured out a basic plot, but even that isn't necessary before this question) is: What makes today different?
It is a really valid question writing a story. Why is this day different than yesterday because if it isn't different than yesterday what makes you think I want to read about it. I don't want to hear about what your character had for breakfast on the normal day. I want to read all about how the aliens disrupted the protagonists breakfast an the non-normal day. If you are writing about an alien invasion, what do you know about space? If all you learned is from Star Wars please re-think this novel. If the alien's aren't really alien's but vampires from the future...this better be going somewhere good. Though the question stands "What makes today different?" if you character is from Men In Black universe and aliens disrupt his breakfast everyday, why is this day especially different? Did your character get a mind wipe the day before and to him aliens disrupting his breakfast is a new event even though it has happened to him every day for the last 20 years and now he has to figure out why they wiped his mind...and that they did it at all in the first place?
I don't want to know about the average day, that isn't interesting. I want to read something interesting. I also don't want something over the top. For example your character was the best at the alien hunting business until his partner wiped his memory and stole his identity and ran off with one of the aliens to Nantucket where they plan on starting WWIV (WWIII happened the year before but your character saved the world from being destroyed but just barely, this is of course why your character's memory was wiped because he was seen as a threat). Yet even though your character's memory got wiped he finds a bunch of clues that leads him to the bad guy just in the nick of time (again) to save the world (again)...this is not interesting it is the Superman syndrome. I do not want a perfect superhero I want someone I'm on the edge of my seat wondering if he is going to even win, maybe he doesn't! That'd be really awesome! End of the book world ends, that'd be unexpected.
So here it is, be mean to your main character. Have them get beat up and put in the hospital and while they are recovering the bad guy makes off with the nuke and drops it on Russia (or somewhere else less cliched please) to start the World War. The war starts and now after your character gets out of the hospital (or even before) they have to stop retaliation (which of course they fail horrible at) and then your character takes a bullet for Dmitriy Anatolyevich. He takes it as a great compliment and decides that in honor of you now dead hero he'll stop firing nukes back (yeah right but that's what stories are for right?). Please don't anyone actually ever right this into a book, it'd actually probably be rather terrible.
Anyway...Have a wonderful November and good luck to anyone doing NaNoWriMo!
The first question you must ask yourself when writing (after having figured out a basic plot, but even that isn't necessary before this question) is: What makes today different?
It is a really valid question writing a story. Why is this day different than yesterday because if it isn't different than yesterday what makes you think I want to read about it. I don't want to hear about what your character had for breakfast on the normal day. I want to read all about how the aliens disrupted the protagonists breakfast an the non-normal day. If you are writing about an alien invasion, what do you know about space? If all you learned is from Star Wars please re-think this novel. If the alien's aren't really alien's but vampires from the future...this better be going somewhere good. Though the question stands "What makes today different?" if you character is from Men In Black universe and aliens disrupt his breakfast everyday, why is this day especially different? Did your character get a mind wipe the day before and to him aliens disrupting his breakfast is a new event even though it has happened to him every day for the last 20 years and now he has to figure out why they wiped his mind...and that they did it at all in the first place?
I don't want to know about the average day, that isn't interesting. I want to read something interesting. I also don't want something over the top. For example your character was the best at the alien hunting business until his partner wiped his memory and stole his identity and ran off with one of the aliens to Nantucket where they plan on starting WWIV (WWIII happened the year before but your character saved the world from being destroyed but just barely, this is of course why your character's memory was wiped because he was seen as a threat). Yet even though your character's memory got wiped he finds a bunch of clues that leads him to the bad guy just in the nick of time (again) to save the world (again)...this is not interesting it is the Superman syndrome. I do not want a perfect superhero I want someone I'm on the edge of my seat wondering if he is going to even win, maybe he doesn't! That'd be really awesome! End of the book world ends, that'd be unexpected.
So here it is, be mean to your main character. Have them get beat up and put in the hospital and while they are recovering the bad guy makes off with the nuke and drops it on Russia (or somewhere else less cliched please) to start the World War. The war starts and now after your character gets out of the hospital (or even before) they have to stop retaliation (which of course they fail horrible at) and then your character takes a bullet for Dmitriy Anatolyevich. He takes it as a great compliment and decides that in honor of you now dead hero he'll stop firing nukes back (yeah right but that's what stories are for right?). Please don't anyone actually ever right this into a book, it'd actually probably be rather terrible.
Anyway...Have a wonderful November and good luck to anyone doing NaNoWriMo!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Review "Paranormal Activity"
Hype is a beautiful thing. It gets people into things and they don't even realize it. How much hype does it take to make a movie good? Not a lot actually. It takes a few people being a little bit creeped out telling other people how creeped out they were. Things get blown out of proportion and soon you have a blockbuster film.
Stephen Spielberg himself is sad to have been unable to sit through this film during the night. I honestly am wondering why. I've personally experienced worse things than some of the stuff in that film. The mood was poorly set. I understand this was low budget film but mood is set by lighting and music. I once rode Indian Jones with no music, it was the worst experience of my life, when it comes to rides. Music is the life blood of movies. With Paranormal Activity I was aware every second that something was about to happen because of the sound. I realize it was suppose to be this creepy ominous sound all it did was prep me for the scary thing around the corner. I'm honestly debating taking a camera a couple of friends and making a film now that might actually top this film. It's so high on the charts because of the hype. I'm sorry to those of you who are horror fans and loved this film, or those of you who aren't and wet your pants. I'm going to be sleeping soundly tonight (after NaNoWriMo kicks my butt).
I give this movie a 2 out of 10 for scare (it only gets that because the ending was a surprise and creeper than the rest of the entire movie combined).
Edit: As a side note I did get this up on the 31st so Happy Harry Potter day!
Stephen Spielberg himself is sad to have been unable to sit through this film during the night. I honestly am wondering why. I've personally experienced worse things than some of the stuff in that film. The mood was poorly set. I understand this was low budget film but mood is set by lighting and music. I once rode Indian Jones with no music, it was the worst experience of my life, when it comes to rides. Music is the life blood of movies. With Paranormal Activity I was aware every second that something was about to happen because of the sound. I realize it was suppose to be this creepy ominous sound all it did was prep me for the scary thing around the corner. I'm honestly debating taking a camera a couple of friends and making a film now that might actually top this film. It's so high on the charts because of the hype. I'm sorry to those of you who are horror fans and loved this film, or those of you who aren't and wet your pants. I'm going to be sleeping soundly tonight (after NaNoWriMo kicks my butt).
I give this movie a 2 out of 10 for scare (it only gets that because the ending was a surprise and creeper than the rest of the entire movie combined).
Edit: As a side note I did get this up on the 31st so Happy Harry Potter day!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Last minute thoughts before bed
So I'm about to go to bed and into my head pops an idea. As all ideas do. Appear out of no where and just sit there and make your brain hurt until you flesh out the idea. This idea then suddenly disappears right before I can really get into it... So I'm just going to go with a news update!
When I say news I mean my life...
When I say my life I mean NaNoWriMo...
You've seen a prequel for the story I intend to write for NaNo and NOW a random excerpt!
Liz wrapped the thick towel around herself as she mused about her situation. A knock on the door brought her out of her own head.
"I brought you some dinner." The voice was quiet and feminine.
"Ok come in." She double-checked the towel. The door opened and a small girl came in. Her dark hair framed her heart shaped face and even darker eyes looked past long lashes. The girl was pretty and Liz suspected would be beautiful one day. Liz was unaware that the girl was a changeling human brought in to serve the fairies, that the girl's life would slowly drain from her making her a caricature of a human. Liz quickly pulled her pants on high school P.E. style, she turned her back to put on her bra and shirt. Before Liz could pull the shirt on though the girl gasped and dropped her tray. "What's wrong?" Liz spun around expecting a giant spider or something similar.
"You are of the Nuada clan! Lady Genwen will want to know." The girl bolted from the room. Liz grabbed her shirt and pulled it on as she ran after the girl.
When I say news I mean my life...
When I say my life I mean NaNoWriMo...
You've seen a prequel for the story I intend to write for NaNo and NOW a random excerpt!
Liz wrapped the thick towel around herself as she mused about her situation. A knock on the door brought her out of her own head.
"I brought you some dinner." The voice was quiet and feminine.
"Ok come in." She double-checked the towel. The door opened and a small girl came in. Her dark hair framed her heart shaped face and even darker eyes looked past long lashes. The girl was pretty and Liz suspected would be beautiful one day. Liz was unaware that the girl was a changeling human brought in to serve the fairies, that the girl's life would slowly drain from her making her a caricature of a human. Liz quickly pulled her pants on high school P.E. style, she turned her back to put on her bra and shirt. Before Liz could pull the shirt on though the girl gasped and dropped her tray. "What's wrong?" Liz spun around expecting a giant spider or something similar.
"You are of the Nuada clan! Lady Genwen will want to know." The girl bolted from the room. Liz grabbed her shirt and pulled it on as she ran after the girl.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Current thoughts
I should just leave this page blank really. What am I thinking? Not much right now. I'm sad, I have no reason to sit here and complain to you my dear reader about why I am sad...So I wont!
What I'm going to do instead is tell you a story. Not a long one, not one that has anything to do with anything, but it is there itching to be released.
Liz was a normal student. She did her school work like a normal kid. She loved her parents and they loved her, even though sometimes her mom looked deep into Liz's eyes and felt that maybe just maybe the hospital had made a mistake and gave her another woman's child. Liz didn't see the sadness in her mom's eyes when she thought that, she just went on with life.
It was a normal day at school. Liz was bundled up humming Jingle Bells. The school bully laughed at her. Liz ignored him like usual and continued building her sand castle.
"Don't you know anything Elizabeth?" He kicked her sand castle. She just sighed and continued to ignore him. "Santa isn't real." This cut deep. Her eyes grew wide and she looked up shocked at the boy.
"Don't say that! He is to real!"
"Nope. He's a lie as big and fat as him. Just like the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy."
"That isn't true!" Liz's eyes at this point had started to water.
"None of that silly kids stuff is real." Lucky for Liz the bell rang and she escaped the bully to her class and work. Unluckily for little Liz though she started to brood on it. That night she asked her mom to be completely honest.
"Do faeries and Santa not really exist?" Her mom didn't know how to explain to little Liz the "truth" Liz saw the hesitation and burst into tears. That night she refused to hear a bedtime story instead she just cried herself to sleep.
The next morning Liz was ill. She had a fever and a cough. Her mother kept her home and took care of her the best she could. Nothing helped. To Liz's mom Liz was just getting worse. She promised herself that if Liz wasn't better in the morning that she'd take her to the doctor. The morning came and Liz wasn't better, she was worse.
The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with Liz. Test after test showed nothing wrong with her. The days past and Liz got worse and worse. The doctor decided to admit Liz into the hospital. The machines they hooked her up to hurt her and made her cry. Her mother's reassurances were the only reason Liz stayed patient. The hours marched on. Her liver stopped working, and slowly the rest of her body followed. The nurses fretted and prayed. They knew she wouldn't make it through the night.
Kim was making her normal rounds around the city. Keeping an eye out for trouble. When on the air she sensed the death of a strong magic. Following it she found the hospital. She sneaked in. The trail of dieing magic led her to the children's ward to a room with a little girl all hooked up on machine after machine. The cat at Kim's heels looked at the girl and then quite clearly said "She's fay. They are killing her."
"Not if I can help it." Kim went over to the girl. She moved some machines and soon with a couple flicks of her hands had them thinking they were still hooked up to the girl. "Little girl. Answer me. Why are you sad?"
"They don't exist." Liz was bleary eyed as she whispered her sadness.
"Do you mean the faeries?" Liz nodded. "Let me tell you something little girl. I know that they exist. I've met one of their queens. She's a rather nice lady. She loves the new blossoms of spring and has a laugh like bubbling soda." Liz's eyes lit up for the first time in days.
"Really?" She asked hoarsely.
"Really. If you pull through little girl I know one day soon you'll meet her. She'll kiss you on the cheek and wish you a merry day. Do you think you can pull through to meet a Queen?"
"Will you take me to her?"
"I'm afraid not, but when the day comes to meet her it'll be the strangest day of your life. The rule though is to believe in them no matter what anyone tells you ok. Promise me you'll never stop believing in them." Liz could only nod as she drifted off to sleep.
The next morning despite all signs pointing to her imminent death Liz sat up in her bed and laughed with the nurses. Slowly machine after machine was removed from her room. Soon she was back at school. When the bully said that faeries didn't exist she did nothing but shake her head and smile slightly.
What I'm going to do instead is tell you a story. Not a long one, not one that has anything to do with anything, but it is there itching to be released.
Liz was a normal student. She did her school work like a normal kid. She loved her parents and they loved her, even though sometimes her mom looked deep into Liz's eyes and felt that maybe just maybe the hospital had made a mistake and gave her another woman's child. Liz didn't see the sadness in her mom's eyes when she thought that, she just went on with life.
It was a normal day at school. Liz was bundled up humming Jingle Bells. The school bully laughed at her. Liz ignored him like usual and continued building her sand castle.
"Don't you know anything Elizabeth?" He kicked her sand castle. She just sighed and continued to ignore him. "Santa isn't real." This cut deep. Her eyes grew wide and she looked up shocked at the boy.
"Don't say that! He is to real!"
"Nope. He's a lie as big and fat as him. Just like the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy."
"That isn't true!" Liz's eyes at this point had started to water.
"None of that silly kids stuff is real." Lucky for Liz the bell rang and she escaped the bully to her class and work. Unluckily for little Liz though she started to brood on it. That night she asked her mom to be completely honest.
"Do faeries and Santa not really exist?" Her mom didn't know how to explain to little Liz the "truth" Liz saw the hesitation and burst into tears. That night she refused to hear a bedtime story instead she just cried herself to sleep.
The next morning Liz was ill. She had a fever and a cough. Her mother kept her home and took care of her the best she could. Nothing helped. To Liz's mom Liz was just getting worse. She promised herself that if Liz wasn't better in the morning that she'd take her to the doctor. The morning came and Liz wasn't better, she was worse.
The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with Liz. Test after test showed nothing wrong with her. The days past and Liz got worse and worse. The doctor decided to admit Liz into the hospital. The machines they hooked her up to hurt her and made her cry. Her mother's reassurances were the only reason Liz stayed patient. The hours marched on. Her liver stopped working, and slowly the rest of her body followed. The nurses fretted and prayed. They knew she wouldn't make it through the night.
Kim was making her normal rounds around the city. Keeping an eye out for trouble. When on the air she sensed the death of a strong magic. Following it she found the hospital. She sneaked in. The trail of dieing magic led her to the children's ward to a room with a little girl all hooked up on machine after machine. The cat at Kim's heels looked at the girl and then quite clearly said "She's fay. They are killing her."
"Not if I can help it." Kim went over to the girl. She moved some machines and soon with a couple flicks of her hands had them thinking they were still hooked up to the girl. "Little girl. Answer me. Why are you sad?"
"They don't exist." Liz was bleary eyed as she whispered her sadness.
"Do you mean the faeries?" Liz nodded. "Let me tell you something little girl. I know that they exist. I've met one of their queens. She's a rather nice lady. She loves the new blossoms of spring and has a laugh like bubbling soda." Liz's eyes lit up for the first time in days.
"Really?" She asked hoarsely.
"Really. If you pull through little girl I know one day soon you'll meet her. She'll kiss you on the cheek and wish you a merry day. Do you think you can pull through to meet a Queen?"
"Will you take me to her?"
"I'm afraid not, but when the day comes to meet her it'll be the strangest day of your life. The rule though is to believe in them no matter what anyone tells you ok. Promise me you'll never stop believing in them." Liz could only nod as she drifted off to sleep.
The next morning despite all signs pointing to her imminent death Liz sat up in her bed and laughed with the nurses. Slowly machine after machine was removed from her room. Soon she was back at school. When the bully said that faeries didn't exist she did nothing but shake her head and smile slightly.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Webster!
So you probably don't know, but today (OCT 16 1758) is Noah Webster's birthday. His first dictionary was published in 1828. So in honor of this I am posting a few really awesome websites that are all about words!
Most importantly the dictionary itself!
Second a really awesome list of common errors in the English language. Can't remember which to you want? Can never remember which its gets the apostrophe? Here is your friend.
A similar site, but this one specializes in words like effect and affect.
This one talks about grammatical problems that are regularly seen in today's published works.
Since today's theme seems to be all about writing I will give a special link! This one isn't for words or grammar or anything like that. It's just a good resource if you are just starting out writing (or have been for years!).
I hope this list is really useful to you. I has been for me. I've looked up effect and affect a ridiculous amount of times. It took a friend of mine, who is a 6th grade teacher, explaining it to me like he does for his kids for me to finally get it.
Edit: Due to some problems I am unable to get the hyper-link to work so just copy and past the link into your browser. Sorry for the inconvenience I hope to fix this in the future.
Edit2: Hyper-links online! Yay!
Most importantly the dictionary itself!
Second a really awesome list of common errors in the English language. Can't remember which to you want? Can never remember which its gets the apostrophe? Here is your friend.
A similar site, but this one specializes in words like effect and affect.
This one talks about grammatical problems that are regularly seen in today's published works.
Since today's theme seems to be all about writing I will give a special link! This one isn't for words or grammar or anything like that. It's just a good resource if you are just starting out writing (or have been for years!).
I hope this list is really useful to you. I has been for me. I've looked up effect and affect a ridiculous amount of times. It took a friend of mine, who is a 6th grade teacher, explaining it to me like he does for his kids for me to finally get it.
Edit: Due to some problems I am unable to get the hyper-link to work so just copy and past the link into your browser. Sorry for the inconvenience I hope to fix this in the future.
Edit2: Hyper-links online! Yay!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Zombieland review
I just got out of the movie theater with my friend Neinone. We went and saw Zombieland. Let me tell you, this is geek persons movie. The main character played WOW (pre-zombieland time). It's pretty amazing. There a ton of little random references to geek stuff. At one point I happily said to Neinone "Hunter." One of the zombies was running around with a dark hoddie, you couldn't see his face or anything and he leaps onto a building! It was kind of amazing. It was around this time that I realized that the zombies were climbing and such, being really confused since I'm used to the zombie mythos having zombies incapable of climbing I brought this point up to Neinone he just whispered "Left 4 dead the zombies can climb" we later had a conversation about how much L4D has changed the zombie mythos.
The movie as all proper funny movies didn't take itself seriously. Best thing Bill Murry does a cameo in the movie. Overall the movie was pretty awesome. With tons of funny bits. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at one part. Good character development and a good ending.
If you go see the movie watch the entire credits, it's worth it.
The filming was good. The makeup was amazing. The acting (not the best ever) was good. The story even was good. For a movie that shouldn't take itself seriously this is a must see.
The movie as all proper funny movies didn't take itself seriously. Best thing Bill Murry does a cameo in the movie. Overall the movie was pretty awesome. With tons of funny bits. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at one part. Good character development and a good ending.
If you go see the movie watch the entire credits, it's worth it.
The filming was good. The makeup was amazing. The acting (not the best ever) was good. The story even was good. For a movie that shouldn't take itself seriously this is a must see.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Last note for the night
Visit this picture because well it's true
I do not own this picture I do not know who does, but I approve of this message.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Twilight (Fair warning adult language used)
I knew I'd get here eventually, my Twilight rant. I have a lot to say about this book. I have read parts of the series and have attempted to watch the movie. As an avid book reader this book appalls my sense of what a book is. Yes it qualifies as a book, but that does not make it quality. Hundreds of books that (may be) quality are ignored everyday. This was not. Again adult language used. Do not read if one you like Twilight and don't want to read about my dislike of it or two you don't approve or are too young to read inappropriate language. Thank you.
1. Vampires do not sparkle in the sun like a thousand diamonds. They burn up into pillars of amazing fire and die horrible deaths at the mere brush of the dawn light on their sensitive skin. Hundreds of reasons why this is (I like the World of Darkness theory. Go Helios burn those heathens)believe whatever one you want. The sun and Vampires do not get a long.
2. Teenagers do not act like that. I was a teenager (recently actually) and yes I believed I had found my true love. I sure as heck didn't wait for us to get married to consummate that relationship. Even Romeo and Juliet weren't that perfect. That just doesn't happen (that often) anymore. Especially when a Vampire is involved. Half of feeding for Vampires is sexual.
3. Vampires cannot have kids. It is physically impossible. Want to know why? They don't have blood to activate that little part of their body to create life. Life comes from life. Does not happen when there is no action going on down there. Anne Rice said it herself, she failed to keep true to that, but at lest she admitted it from the beginning.
4. Vampires cannot be "vegetarians" doesn't work. They need human blood after a while. Animal blood temporarily sustains them (if at all). Edward would have fed off of Bella the first time they had sex no matter what. The control that he fought so hard for while stalking her would have gone out the window once the got that close (not that he would be able to even get it up). Ignoring that. He would start to fail and would eventually go into tourper (not actually sure if that is spelled right since I've never seen it written down sorry) from lack of nutrients. He needs blood just like I need protein. Animal blood will not suffice for extended periods of time.
5. Jakob (Jacob?) Rule 9 of the litany. Need I say more? I don't care if you didn't know it was true or not. You should have been taught properly from a young age you do not talk about that outside of the family. You lifted the veil you should have been punished.
6. To Stephanie Meyer: If you are going to write a genre book, look at the other stories from said genre. I'm not going to write a military sci-fic without reading some Heinlein, Carr, Turtledove or Webber (not in any particular order...except how quickly I could find the names (I don't read these guys ever (except Heinlein "Stranger in a Strange Land" Awesome book totally recommend it))). So what I'm trying to say Meyer is you don't just go writing a story willy nilly you look into established myths of that genre. Ok I admit Military is a lot different than the vampire genre in that is a real thing (no offensive if you believe vampires actually exist). If I wrote a military book I better have done my research because some Seal would come knocking on my door and probably hand me my book and it'd be full of red pen marks like high school all over again...which brings me to my next point.
7. HIGH SCHOOL SUCKED! I wouldn't do it over again if you paid me to. No way no how. College ok fine. Sure why not have the kids go to college that's awesome. High school really? Or did you just want to fulfill some Mary Sue fantasy?
8. I bring up the Mary Sue comment because Edward can read minds (viable not arguing that) I'm arguing that Bella was the ONLY person who he had never been able to read the mind of ever I don't care who you are, but that is a Mary Sue point.
9. Relationships focused around the two people and only ever them don't work. The tension gets to be too much and it will break. People need outside (of the relationship) activities. Friends that they don't share (maybe don't even know each other) it doesn't really mater as long as they have someone to complain about his nervous nail biting habit because he can't eat her neck (don't actually know if he does this, but I would be if I were him), or her inability to have full conversations, or that she puts too much softener in the wash. I don't care what it is, but it is there waiting (I learned this from "Ella Enchanted" way before it was going to even become a movie because it was a good book with actual depth to the main characters).
10. I specified main characters there just now because the side characters had more depth. Like the girl in the wolf pack who had a crush on one of the other guys she has more depth than Edward and Bella together.
Just so you know I haven't even tipped the ice burg on what I have to say about this series. I'm half tempted to read it just to have more ammo. When I'm not up late with a stuffy head I'll post more about this because I'm far from done. Thank you for putting up with me and my rant for the...week(?) have a nice day. :)
1. Vampires do not sparkle in the sun like a thousand diamonds. They burn up into pillars of amazing fire and die horrible deaths at the mere brush of the dawn light on their sensitive skin. Hundreds of reasons why this is (I like the World of Darkness theory. Go Helios burn those heathens)believe whatever one you want. The sun and Vampires do not get a long.
2. Teenagers do not act like that. I was a teenager (recently actually) and yes I believed I had found my true love. I sure as heck didn't wait for us to get married to consummate that relationship. Even Romeo and Juliet weren't that perfect. That just doesn't happen (that often) anymore. Especially when a Vampire is involved. Half of feeding for Vampires is sexual.
3. Vampires cannot have kids. It is physically impossible. Want to know why? They don't have blood to activate that little part of their body to create life. Life comes from life. Does not happen when there is no action going on down there. Anne Rice said it herself, she failed to keep true to that, but at lest she admitted it from the beginning.
4. Vampires cannot be "vegetarians" doesn't work. They need human blood after a while. Animal blood temporarily sustains them (if at all). Edward would have fed off of Bella the first time they had sex no matter what. The control that he fought so hard for while stalking her would have gone out the window once the got that close (not that he would be able to even get it up). Ignoring that. He would start to fail and would eventually go into tourper (not actually sure if that is spelled right since I've never seen it written down sorry) from lack of nutrients. He needs blood just like I need protein. Animal blood will not suffice for extended periods of time.
5. Jakob (Jacob?) Rule 9 of the litany. Need I say more? I don't care if you didn't know it was true or not. You should have been taught properly from a young age you do not talk about that outside of the family. You lifted the veil you should have been punished.
6. To Stephanie Meyer: If you are going to write a genre book, look at the other stories from said genre. I'm not going to write a military sci-fic without reading some Heinlein, Carr, Turtledove or Webber (not in any particular order...except how quickly I could find the names (I don't read these guys ever (except Heinlein "Stranger in a Strange Land" Awesome book totally recommend it))). So what I'm trying to say Meyer is you don't just go writing a story willy nilly you look into established myths of that genre. Ok I admit Military is a lot different than the vampire genre in that is a real thing (no offensive if you believe vampires actually exist). If I wrote a military book I better have done my research because some Seal would come knocking on my door and probably hand me my book and it'd be full of red pen marks like high school all over again...which brings me to my next point.
7. HIGH SCHOOL SUCKED! I wouldn't do it over again if you paid me to. No way no how. College ok fine. Sure why not have the kids go to college that's awesome. High school really? Or did you just want to fulfill some Mary Sue fantasy?
8. I bring up the Mary Sue comment because Edward can read minds (viable not arguing that) I'm arguing that Bella was the ONLY person who he had never been able to read the mind of ever I don't care who you are, but that is a Mary Sue point.
9. Relationships focused around the two people and only ever them don't work. The tension gets to be too much and it will break. People need outside (of the relationship) activities. Friends that they don't share (maybe don't even know each other) it doesn't really mater as long as they have someone to complain about his nervous nail biting habit because he can't eat her neck (don't actually know if he does this, but I would be if I were him), or her inability to have full conversations, or that she puts too much softener in the wash. I don't care what it is, but it is there waiting (I learned this from "Ella Enchanted" way before it was going to even become a movie because it was a good book with actual depth to the main characters).
10. I specified main characters there just now because the side characters had more depth. Like the girl in the wolf pack who had a crush on one of the other guys she has more depth than Edward and Bella together.
Just so you know I haven't even tipped the ice burg on what I have to say about this series. I'm half tempted to read it just to have more ammo. When I'm not up late with a stuffy head I'll post more about this because I'm far from done. Thank you for putting up with me and my rant for the...week(?) have a nice day. :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Poem
(I may come up with a name for's not really a poem...well it doesn't rhyme)
This is the day we waited for
This is what we always wanted
You said it'd be perfect
That time would stop at this moment
It didn't and nothing changed
We kept going
Now where are we?
Life isn't a picnic
I wasn't expecting that,
But this isn't what I wanted
I wanted you, I wanted to be wanted
Everything changed
It always does, doesn't it?
You made this happen
Yet you refuse to be happy
So where are we?
What mess do you insist making?
Couldn't you have found a better way?
No you couldn't,
Nothing will ever be the same again
I can't trust you alone anymore
It doesn't matter how many times
You say "I won't do it again"
How can I trust that?
How can I believe you?
Your words "You weren't suppose to be here."
That cut deep
That made my heart bleed
This wasn't the first time
Someone close to me tried to do that
At least last time I had no warning
At least last time it was just over
This time you cursed me
I'll never look at you the same way
I'll cry at the mention of it
You joke
It's not funny.
(This is not entirely what I want to say, but the thing is I can't get my mind off of what has happened this week. I don't particularly feel like talking about it so don't bother asking what happened, if you can't infer what it is it's probably better that way (and no my partner didn't cheat on me) There may be allusions to what happened this week through the rest of my writing forever because this week has been very traumatic. I couldn't stand being home alone yesterday even.)
This is the day we waited for
This is what we always wanted
You said it'd be perfect
That time would stop at this moment
It didn't and nothing changed
We kept going
Now where are we?
Life isn't a picnic
I wasn't expecting that,
But this isn't what I wanted
I wanted you, I wanted to be wanted
Everything changed
It always does, doesn't it?
You made this happen
Yet you refuse to be happy
So where are we?
What mess do you insist making?
Couldn't you have found a better way?
No you couldn't,
Nothing will ever be the same again
I can't trust you alone anymore
It doesn't matter how many times
You say "I won't do it again"
How can I trust that?
How can I believe you?
Your words "You weren't suppose to be here."
That cut deep
That made my heart bleed
This wasn't the first time
Someone close to me tried to do that
At least last time I had no warning
At least last time it was just over
This time you cursed me
I'll never look at you the same way
I'll cry at the mention of it
You joke
It's not funny.
(This is not entirely what I want to say, but the thing is I can't get my mind off of what has happened this week. I don't particularly feel like talking about it so don't bother asking what happened, if you can't infer what it is it's probably better that way (and no my partner didn't cheat on me) There may be allusions to what happened this week through the rest of my writing forever because this week has been very traumatic. I couldn't stand being home alone yesterday even.)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Rant about Two lane freeways
I just recently made a long trip. I decided some time ago that two lane freeways were annoying and this trip just reaffirmed that sentiment for me.
Here is the thing some people drive 75mph, that's awesome! I'm one of those people. The annoying thing is, 75mph is too fast for the slow lane, and apparently too slow for the passing lane which is what the left lane is for. Not constant driving on that side. You drive in the right lane until you get close (not tailgating) to the car in front of you, then you pass on the left side. It is supposed to be as easy as that. Unfortunately we live in a day and age where it doesn't matter what time of day you take the freeway there are a lot of cars on the road so it is ridiculous to drive that way. It just doesn't work anymore. Two lane freeways are outdated. I can go on but I've made my point. I don't have a plan to fix this (at least not yet), but I do care that don't freeways like this cause more problems and accidents?
Because people don't get the concept of pulling into the lane next to you when you can and not at the last possible second. That's one of the reasons for all the traffic problems in construction zones. I know that is because once I was going through a construction zone and this big rig driver pulled into both lanes, he just drove there. About a minute after he did that the traffic picked up and we made it past the construction in less than half the time it would have taken us.
Also people who cut off other people, you are jerks. Not just to the person you cut off but everyone who comes after him for over an hour. Heres the deal, I get cut off, I hit my brakes so as not to have an accident. The person behind me hits their brakes, the person behind them hits there brakes and so on and so on and so on and so on. Eventually it breaks up, but it takes forever for it to do just that. The person who cut me off just caused traffic problems for the next hour or more, thank you very much! You ever get that random slow down that makes no sense whatsoever and then you get past it and there wasn't ANYTHING going on where you finally get moving again. Yeah that's why, someone had to hit their brakes.
Ok I'm done ranting now.
Here is the thing some people drive 75mph, that's awesome! I'm one of those people. The annoying thing is, 75mph is too fast for the slow lane, and apparently too slow for the passing lane which is what the left lane is for. Not constant driving on that side. You drive in the right lane until you get close (not tailgating) to the car in front of you, then you pass on the left side. It is supposed to be as easy as that. Unfortunately we live in a day and age where it doesn't matter what time of day you take the freeway there are a lot of cars on the road so it is ridiculous to drive that way. It just doesn't work anymore. Two lane freeways are outdated. I can go on but I've made my point. I don't have a plan to fix this (at least not yet), but I do care that don't freeways like this cause more problems and accidents?
Because people don't get the concept of pulling into the lane next to you when you can and not at the last possible second. That's one of the reasons for all the traffic problems in construction zones. I know that is because once I was going through a construction zone and this big rig driver pulled into both lanes, he just drove there. About a minute after he did that the traffic picked up and we made it past the construction in less than half the time it would have taken us.
Also people who cut off other people, you are jerks. Not just to the person you cut off but everyone who comes after him for over an hour. Heres the deal, I get cut off, I hit my brakes so as not to have an accident. The person behind me hits their brakes, the person behind them hits there brakes and so on and so on and so on and so on. Eventually it breaks up, but it takes forever for it to do just that. The person who cut me off just caused traffic problems for the next hour or more, thank you very much! You ever get that random slow down that makes no sense whatsoever and then you get past it and there wasn't ANYTHING going on where you finally get moving again. Yeah that's why, someone had to hit their brakes.
Ok I'm done ranting now.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wind swept and dragged across the ages. Time had worn her thin. Her once sturdy walls crumbled. He held her in his arms as she finally let what she held in out, and what she refused entry in. Tears fell down his face and mingled with hers. She trembled with fear and acceptance. Too long had she let the past hold her down now she wanted freedom, the redemption that he led her too.
This is a response to "A Once Feral Child" By Ducroisel Meche.
This is a response to "A Once Feral Child" By Ducroisel Meche.
I just want to say this. Science you have some of it wrong. Christianity you have some of it wrong. Other religions you have some of it wrong. I don't care how old or how much you've worked on all of your ideas some of it is wrong. There is nothing you can do about it. We as humans are fallible some of what we bs ourselves with will be wrong there is no way around it, get over it. You are not 100% right ever, there is no such thing (except on tests for whatever reason, and even those may be rare). Listen I don't care what you believe, or what your facts say. Facts can be wrong. The earth is not the center of the universe, and neither is your daughter (even if she believes it) Beliefs can be wrong, the should be mailable just for that same reason. Unfortunately people don't let their beliefs change. They get stuck in a rut of rituals. Beliefs are outdated, beliefs were for the cavemen who had entirely too much time on their hands. Ideas are a completely different thing. Please I beg you, be reasonable for once in your life and see that what you believe is not the only thing out there that makes sense. Take a real good long look at all of the other possibilities!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Budget cuts
Thursday in class we ended up discussing the budget crises, which isn’t that surprising. You’d understand if you are in college. At one point an individual says, after a comment about how many teachers were fired, “But no staff were fired?” the teacher replies yes to this because well that is true. The student then says rather cynically “typical” I wanted to at this point stand up and start laying in on him. What this student and most other ones don’t know is that since 1995 there hasn’t been a single faculty lay off, but dozens of staff lay offs each semester.
Sorry this on is has been a busy first week of school. If you have any comments about the budget cuts in general contact your local Representative or the governor himself ( also (916)445-2841. Schwarzengger is willing to hear your points. Don't comment to me if you have complaints, only comment to me if you have something to say about this post itself.
Sorry this on is has been a busy first week of school. If you have any comments about the budget cuts in general contact your local Representative or the governor himself ( also (916)445-2841. Schwarzengger is willing to hear your points. Don't comment to me if you have complaints, only comment to me if you have something to say about this post itself.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Brave New Begining
Anyone read the book Brave New World(If not beware I have spoilers in this blog)? A friend of mine told me when she read it it ended without the suicide of the guy. I had read it with the suicide and was wholly depressed. Which ending did you read it with and do you think it was better that way?
This was a lead in into my second blog post ever. Yes I just started the blog as of about half an hour ago, but I wanted to discus the book for some reason. So when you read this and discover this post give me a message about what you think of the book...and here I go.
I'm a fan of books always have been since I can remember. My parents actually got annoyed with reading to me so my dad taught me DOS when I was three so I could run the read to me books that came out then. I couldn't run DOS now though, it would be a random skill to have that is for sure. Anyway, this summer two books that I have read have come into the movie theaters and a third is coming soon. The first "My Sister's Keeper" the second "The Time Traveler's Wife" and coming soon "The Road". I had had high hopes for "My Sister's Keeper" it was an utter disappointment. I don't even know how the author could let that make it to post production let alone the big screen. So after following that disaster was "The Time Traveler's Wife" as a movie it might not make much sense (I read a few reviews to prepare myself for the movie and one person said that they were confused) as a book though it was brilliant piece of literature. Well I had just had the disappointment of "My Sister's Keeper" I was terrified that this one would be worried. I was pleasantly surprised with it though. It was as true to the book as any movie could be. Of course now I have "The Road" to worry about. I've seen some good names in the cast, but that doesn't mean much look at the cast for "My Sister's Keeper" there are quite a few large names in that movie, yet it was a blatant destruction of the book.
"The Road" is dark, very dark, be prepared to be thankful for everything after reading it or seeing it. I was practically giddy with happiness as I drank some soda after reading "The Road" I want that same sensation when it comes to the movie. It is a graphic book in a post apocalyptic world. Here's keeping my hopes up!
This was a lead in into my second blog post ever. Yes I just started the blog as of about half an hour ago, but I wanted to discus the book for some reason. So when you read this and discover this post give me a message about what you think of the book...and here I go.
I'm a fan of books always have been since I can remember. My parents actually got annoyed with reading to me so my dad taught me DOS when I was three so I could run the read to me books that came out then. I couldn't run DOS now though, it would be a random skill to have that is for sure. Anyway, this summer two books that I have read have come into the movie theaters and a third is coming soon. The first "My Sister's Keeper" the second "The Time Traveler's Wife" and coming soon "The Road". I had had high hopes for "My Sister's Keeper" it was an utter disappointment. I don't even know how the author could let that make it to post production let alone the big screen. So after following that disaster was "The Time Traveler's Wife" as a movie it might not make much sense (I read a few reviews to prepare myself for the movie and one person said that they were confused) as a book though it was brilliant piece of literature. Well I had just had the disappointment of "My Sister's Keeper" I was terrified that this one would be worried. I was pleasantly surprised with it though. It was as true to the book as any movie could be. Of course now I have "The Road" to worry about. I've seen some good names in the cast, but that doesn't mean much look at the cast for "My Sister's Keeper" there are quite a few large names in that movie, yet it was a blatant destruction of the book.
"The Road" is dark, very dark, be prepared to be thankful for everything after reading it or seeing it. I was practically giddy with happiness as I drank some soda after reading "The Road" I want that same sensation when it comes to the movie. It is a graphic book in a post apocalyptic world. Here's keeping my hopes up!
Congrats to finding me
You have found me The Normal FemGeek. Here in my first Blog ever I shall tell you a little about me. If you want to know more you are S.O.L. I am your average female geek. I have a life outside of what shall be said when I post here. I am 21 years old, I am going to college in California. I have a few opinions about some things, mostly I don't really care. If I have one though you will know my stance on it. I haven't always been a geek, this is a recent development. I had no brothers growing up so I don't know all of the old school stuff, but I have been picking it up as of late. My friends are really good for that. If you are one of my friends and have found me miraculously I hope you don't realize it is me. Here is the point of this blog: I want to point out some things to you guys out there who think you have to attach yourselves to the females that understand you random references, I also want to talk about things I come across in my life that catch my eye when it comes to stuff in the geek world. There are probably a few more points to this blog that I haven't figured out yet. I'll rant sometimes just to get somethings off my chest. Please feel free to respond to anything you have an opinion on, I will if I have time take your opinion into account and you may even get me to change my mind on something. If you want to link me something...don't I will get hundreds of those if I say do. So pass on my blog to some friends if you find this interesting. If you want to that is. Stick around and enjoy, you may read something funny. So here it is the beginning of The Normal FemGeek's blog.
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