Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Brave New Begining

Anyone read the book Brave New World(If not beware I have spoilers in this blog)? A friend of mine told me when she read it it ended without the suicide of the guy. I had read it with the suicide and was wholly depressed. Which ending did you read it with and do you think it was better that way?

This was a lead in into my second blog post ever. Yes I just started the blog as of about half an hour ago, but I wanted to discus the book for some reason. So when you read this and discover this post give me a message about what you think of the book...and here I go.

I'm a fan of books always have been since I can remember. My parents actually got annoyed with reading to me so my dad taught me DOS when I was three so I could run the read to me books that came out then. I couldn't run DOS now though, it would be a random skill to have that is for sure. Anyway, this summer two books that I have read have come into the movie theaters and a third is coming soon. The first "My Sister's Keeper" the second "The Time Traveler's Wife" and coming soon "The Road". I had had high hopes for "My Sister's Keeper" it was an utter disappointment. I don't even know how the author could let that make it to post production let alone the big screen. So after following that disaster was "The Time Traveler's Wife" as a movie it might not make much sense (I read a few reviews to prepare myself for the movie and one person said that they were confused) as a book though it was brilliant piece of literature. Well I had just had the disappointment of "My Sister's Keeper" I was terrified that this one would be worried. I was pleasantly surprised with it though. It was as true to the book as any movie could be. Of course now I have "The Road" to worry about. I've seen some good names in the cast, but that doesn't mean much look at the cast for "My Sister's Keeper" there are quite a few large names in that movie, yet it was a blatant destruction of the book.

"The Road" is dark, very dark, be prepared to be thankful for everything after reading it or seeing it. I was practically giddy with happiness as I drank some soda after reading "The Road" I want that same sensation when it comes to the movie. It is a graphic book in a post apocalyptic world. Here's keeping my hopes up!

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